Logo Design and Creation

 For this part of the project, I researched several websites and creators to get a brief idea on my own personal logo. 

At first I had a hard time coming up with a logo that could describe me or my passions, as after my research, I realised that most creators use similar ones: their initials and an illustration of a camera or a film strip. However, I wanted my logo to stand out, so I decided to create something that represents me.

This was my first draft, made in Illustrator, and to keep it minimalistic - which is the main goal of my website's outlook, I decided to go with it. I changed the colour to a light brown, so that it doesn't distract attention from the website's content, and I added my initials and my professional brand name on it.

I think it turned out really well, although I think in the future I might change it to something more meaningful or professional.
After I was done with the illustration, I just had to create a motion graphic product - a gif- out of it, which I did in Photoshop. 

I had a lot of fun doing this part of the project, as I never tried creating a gif in Photoshop before, and I think it turned out just how I wanted.
