Professional Website and Project Proposal


The concept behind this website is to demonstrate and showcase my skills and interests as a creative studies student, and how I incorporate them in both my professional and personal life. The main goal of this website is to provide a brief description of my identity, my passions, skills and ambitions.

Project Proposal:

This project is based on my understanding on coding and programming with HTML and CSS in the form of a website made from scratch. With extra visual elements incorporated, such as photographs, I aim to demonstrate my skills in post-processing and technical photography. My goal is to attract future employers, professionals and clients with a shared interest in photography, cinematography and digital media production.

On the website, I will create 4 different pages, such as a homepage, a page about Hungary, a portfolio/gallery and CV page, each to showcase my interests and works, as well as the CV page dedicated for employers and clients, with links to my alternative professional platforms ie. Instagram, LinkedIn and Handshake along with my email address for an easy contact option.

Target Audience:

This website's target audience falls into the groups of people studying and/or working in creative fields, and people interested in topics such as filmography, photography, digital media and social media. By understanding my target audience, I will be able to create my website with a strategy to attract viewers, supporters and future employers.

Project Planning:

From 11th October until 13th January - 14 weeks
  1. Pre-production: 5 weeks: Finding inspiration, creating mood board, gathering content, creating Prezi, starting blog and learning programming
  2. Production: 6 weeks: creating banner and logo, motion graphic, building up website, optimising content for website, continuing blog posts
  3. Post-production: finalising website, last edits


  • Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator
  • Digital Skills: HTML and CSS, logo and GIF creation, audio-visual and visual content production
